Tuesday, April 26, 2011


In another of his Town Hall meetings today, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie once again called the Democrat-controlled State Senate and General Assembly the "Do Nothing Legislature." He also warned that Democrats are all about taxing the people of the Garden State. He said, "If I let my foot up on these people on taxes they're coming after you next."

Christie also criticized the Senate for its inaction on "Tool Kit" bills which he claims will reduce property taxes. The Senate has a voting session Thursday and there are no "Tool Kit" bills on the agenda.

State Senate President Steve Sweeney, a Democrat says the legislature has already passed the bills that would save money and, "The rest are garbage." He says he won't bend to Christie's will by posting "Tool Kit" bills he feels are worthless. Sweeney said, "This is someone who thinks he can bully me like he bullies everyone else. He's not going to bully me into doing things that have no benefit."

Also today, Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno, a Republican who is also the Secretary of State ruled that Olymipic gold medals winner Carl Lewis did not meet the residency requirements needed to run for State Senate in New Jersey. Bill Tambussi, the attorney for Lewis says he'll appeal tomorrow. He also dropped this gem, "When Carl Lewis was winning gold medals for New Jersey he was New Jersey's favorite son. When he decided to run against this (Christie) Administration he became a notorious carpetbagger."

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