Wednesday, January 26, 2011

74th Annual "Walk" to Washington

The 74th annual New Jersey State Chamber of Commerce "Walk to Washington" is tomorrow. Nobody actually walks from the Garden State to D.C.. Legislators, lobbyists, reporters and various other hangers-on take a train to Washington. They network on the way down. Attend dinners when they get there and some stay out late enjoying the night life.

The trip used to be a booze-fueled free-for-all. The cars were packed and not every man on the trian was what one might call "appropriate" when it came to interacting with the women.

Things have changed......due to the economy and ethics concerns for some the train cars are less crowded and far less women take the chamber train at all instead opting to take a separate train. Alcohol remains a constant. Some things never change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am a woman and have taken the trip for 6 years now. I've never had an issue. There's no more alcohol than at any other event. Everyone is lighthearted and upbeat. It is a mainstay event for NJ and NJ's businesses!